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SOGEA Zyxel VMG 8623-T50B Router Configuration

Before you start the configuration of your router you will need the broadband configuration details.


Configuration Details


These details can be found on your broadband configuration sheet that was provided with the router initially. These details would have also been sent to you via email during the provisioning process.

If you are unable to locate these details, you will need to contact our support team. Please have the serial number of your router to hand to help us to locate your device. 


Connecting to the Router


Connect your Zyxel router to mains power using the power supply provided in the box. Press the round white power button on the back of the router to power up the device. 

Connect your configuration device (e.g. a laptop or PC) to the router via an ethernet cable into one of the yellow LAN ports.

Plug the grey DSL cable (rj11) from the grey DSL port on the back of your router into the data port of the BT master socket in your premises, providing you have a pre-filtered master socket.


Note: Whilst the router is booting up, the power light will flash green. Once the power light is solid, you can browse to the router's IP address and start configuration.


Initial setup


Log into the device via IP using the following details

Username: admin

Password: On the back of the router



You will then be prompted to change your password. Please ask support for the unique and secure password that has been allocated to your specific router.  This ensures we have the correct login when it comes to remotely accessing the device and providing you with technical support.


Skip the setup wizard if it comes up and then navigate to the main menu at the top right of the page once logged in.



Go to Network Setting > Broadband and edit the VDSL interface by clicking the modify icon.



Change the encapsulation to PPPoE, tick enable VLAN and in 802.1q enter the number 101

Enter the PPP User Name and PPP Password (please note this is separate to your router password) 



Change the MTU to 1492




You can now scroll down to the bottom and click Apply, this is all of the configuration you need to get your internet connected.

You can click on the Zyxel logo at the top left to take you back to the router homepage, on the home page you will see the Connectivity tile showing whether the internet is connected or not. 




We recommend that SIP ALG is disabled. To do this, go to Network Setting > NAT > click on the ALG tab

Then toggle the SIP ALG setting from on to off and make sure to click apply.



Remote Management


In order for us to be able to provide support in various circumstances, we require remote access to the router we have provided to you.

On the main menu navigate to Maintenance > Remote Management

On the MGMT Services tab, tick Enable under each row in the "Trust Domain column" and hit apply. 



Next, go to the Trust Domain tab next to the MGMT Services tab. Click on + Add Trust Domain to add the Internet Central support IP address range (please request this from our support team) You can add the IP address(es) of anyone else you wish to have remote access to the router.



You have now enabled remote access from the IP addresses specified.


Adding User Accounts


To add a user account, go to Maintenance > User Account and then click the + Add New Account button



On the User Account Edit page, you can create a new user by specifying the user name, password, and retry attempts / lock out period. Make sure to select LAN / WAN as the Remote Privilege option.



You can click OK to save these changes and then log out and re-test with the new account you have created.


Firmware Upgrade


To upgrade the firmware on your router, go to Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade

On this page you can choose a file and upload it to the Zyxel in order to apply new firmware. Do NOT tick the tick box "Restore Default Settings After Firmware Upgrade" otherwise you will have to re-configure all of the settings detailed in this guide.



The router may reboot whilst it goes through the upgrade process. After the firmware upgrade is complete, you will need to log in again.


Factory Reset


Factory resetting the device will wipe all configuration. 

If your device has been factory reset, you will not be able to connect to the internet until you configure the broadband details.

We don't recommend you factory reset the device, but if you need to, pop a pin in the 'reset' hole and hold it in for 10+ seconds whilst the router is powered on. The lights should flash red and then go through a reboot process before booting into factory default settings. You can then proceed with the configuration steps above.


Congratulations! You have now completed the configuration of your ZyXEL VMG 8623-T50B router for your Internet Central SOGEA connection.

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