IC Knowledge Base

Guidelines for analogue adapters (especially for fax usage)

General Notes & Good Practice for Faxing with Analogue Adaptors


Analogue adapters when used for faxes are very sensitive to delay / jitter on the network.

The ideal location for the analogue device is as close to both the media manager or IC-talk HC PBX (both in terms of network devices and physical cabling), and indeed to the physical analogue device.

As a guideline any network jitter variance of greater than 20ms will have an impact on fax reception / transmission.

It should also be remembered that long cable lengths (either in terms of Ethernet, or phone line), or cables that go through multiple patches / joins can incur increased interference, therefore all cables should be tested, and kept as short as possible.

Where it is impossible to avoid long runs between the analogue adapter and the media manager it is preferable to have this run longer in terms of Ethernet (provided the network is stable), as long runs of analogue cable can vastly increase interference.

With all cable runs it is very important to avoid close contact with any devices which may induce electrical interference (e.g. keep the cables as far removed from electrical power leads as possible).

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